’bout Jack and Annie …

(two American kids, living outside D.C.)

Thursday, June 21, 2007


as regular jack-watchers know, he is *always* on the move these days. he will hardly ever sit still -- pretty much only to eat ... and sometimes he does that on the move as well.

so it only makes sense that when his nanny roxana says "¡vamos!" jack is ready to go. today they were headed out to ride the carousel at glen echo park before it got too hot.

well, she said "¡vámonos!" ("let's go" for all you non-dora/diego watchers) and darned if jack didn't immediately stop what he was doing (trying to pull out mommy's hairdryer while simultaneously pulling things out of the bathroom wastebasket) and walk to the top of the stairs, waiting to be picked up and carried down.

she tells me that other times when she has said "vamos," jack has gone to stand by the door and wait for her.

mommy and daddy are going to have to try this -- ¡en español, claro!

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