but ... jack's grandad is a videophile and could not let it go unfixed. he diagnosed the problem as being with the dvr box from the cable company ... so grandad and jack called comcast:
"hello ... we need a new box ... with extra remotes, please!"
from there, they headed out to the comcast regional office where grandad got a new box whilst nana and jack sat in the lobby, greeting the patrons. most folks are probably fairly disgruntled when walking into comcast. they're not exactly tops at customer service, after all. but i bet after meeting jack very few continued to feel disgruntled. they ought to pay him.
so, new box in hand ... our trio went back home to install the new box.
"grandad ... plug it in there!"
"my work here is done."
lucky us ... we've got our very own cable guys!
I bet if you give the Comcast story the OneTrueMedia treatment, Comcast will indeed pay you for the commercial!