’bout Jack and Annie …

(two American kids, living outside D.C.)

Monday, May 21, 2007

swimming report card

saturday was jack's final swimming lesson for the session at the montgomery aquatic center. jack was supposed to get his certificate and report card, but his regular teacher wasn't there (it was her prom) and the substitute teacher couldn't find where she had left them. so they're going to be mailed to us.

grades aren't important to us, so whatever the report card says, we'll be proud of jack. but, just in case you were wondering how he fared ... here's the grade outlook:

  • being in the water and getting head wet: A

  • swimming on his belly: A

  • touching the wall of cascading water: A

  • diving into the pool from the side: A

  • holding on to the floating barbell and kicking: C+

  • but if the skill were "clean and jerk of floating barbell": A

  • keeping mouth closed in the pool: F

  • having a good time and loving swimming: A++

  • the pool we joined opened this weekend too, so we went to check it out on sunday afternoon. it was lots of fun, and jack did great in the water there too. they have swimming lessons too, so we may be moving to outdoor lessons for the summer. maybe then the cheap, waterproof disposable camera will take some decent looking pictures!

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