’bout Jack and Annie …

(two American kids, living outside D.C.)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

beach friends

last weekend we had a great time seeing all of our "beach friends" -- the families that we go to the outer banks of north carolina with every year. it's been so much fun to see how our numbers have grown -- from just two little toddlers (who are now the "big kids") to a total of 6 this summer!

but, between our august jaunts, we try to get together as often as we can. and last weekend the party was at jack's house.

but wait ... there's only four kids here. well, one friend lives out of the area, so she's not around.

but where's phia?? everyone looks to see ...

phia is shy and doesn't want to be in the picture. let's all encourage her !

garrett even gives phia a kiss to make her smile ... looks like jack wants to go in for a smooch too!

apparently the casanova attempts have worked. phia's in and victory has been declared (hook 'em!!) . but jack's still waiting for his kiss ...

what a fun weekend get-together. and as previously blogged ... who knew veggie booty could be spread so far and so wide. boy that stuff crumbles!! :-)

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