to our dear gentle readers ...
we at ·ald· are cognizant that our blogging for 2010 is starting off with more of a whimper than a bang. but, before we recount our holiday anecdotes, or our new year's antics, we need to review some of the firsts we've witnessed.
while visiting in florida after christmas, annie said her first word. on the eve of her 11 month (un)birthday, she clearly said "hi." and she said it with a wave. she had been saying a syllable that sounded sort of like hi for a while, but we decided that the day she said it to initiate a conversation, rather than just repeating her parents' slightly manic "hiiiii"s, that was her first word.
soon after that, when we were back home, she also began to say "cat." so, that's her second word!
but wait ... there's more!
the day following her first word, she awoke on her 11 month (un)birthday with a tooth.
(remember, you can single-click to enlarge the photo)
finally! theretofore she'd been a toothless wonder and *we* were starting to wonder ... would she ever get any teeth or would she be the only nursery school student with dentures? happily, we'll never find out. since that fateful day, both of her bottom middle teeth have begun peeking through her gums, although they're not all the way in. but they are on track to make a serious little dent in her first birthday cupcake later this month.
mamaxana had repeatedly predicted that annie would walk before she got a tooth. and while that didn't come to pass, she did finally start walking this week. monday night we returned home from work to the news that annie had taken her first steps. not many, but four or five ... completely unassisted ... from the coffee table to a nearby chair.
when we asked jack about annie's new skill which we had yet to witness he demonstrated a penguin-like waddle to reenact her ambulation. he said, "she walked like this. then she walked in a circle. then she walked in a triangle."
while there may be some hyperbole at work there, we weren't actually sure. despite parental cajoling (which --
free parenting tip -- is always effective, particularly in teenage years), she didn't walk tuesday morning for us. but of course she did do more peripatation in the afternoon.
eventually, though, we got independent confirmation of her walking when she took a number of steps in her room from daddy to mommy this morning.
apologies that we don't have on-camera proof of this, but we've barely witnessed it ourselves!
meanwhile, annie's not the only one achieving firsts.
jack had his first-ever sleepover without mom or dad when he spent the night at nana and grandad's house following a raucous new year's fiesta.

our independent little fellow hardly gave his old 'rents a second thought as he partied hearty.
but wait ... there's more!
this past saturday found jack attending his
first concert -- a symphonic performance for kids and teddy bears at the venerable kennedy center. he had a fantastic time both at the concert and the pre-program that found him at an instrument petting zoo, even getting to bow a violin.

so, with all those firsts duly recorded for posterity, we now return you to your irregularly scheduled blog.